This Summer, LoveReading4Kids is delighted to partner with The Week Junior on The Summer of Reading 2021, which celebrates reading as a “superpower” 

First run in 2020, the campaign encourages children to read for pleasure during the school holidays challenging them to read, rate and review three books for a chance to win books and book tokens. 

Readers are invited to select their summer reads from an expertly curated list of 50 books grouped into ten categories.

The books in this second collection make perfect reading for young sleuths who love solving a mystery! 

There are more great books in these collections..

Books about Fantastic Friends and Families

Books that Transport you into the Past

Books Packed with Superpowers

Books with Amazing Adventures

Book to Make You Laugh Out Loud

Find out more about the The Week Junior's Summer of Reading where you can download free Summer of Reading resources including the full the book list and the reading challenge entry form.