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Books By Tim Crouch, Sara Shaarawi, Bryony Kimmings, Lewis Hetherington, Robert Softley Gale & Leyla Josephine - Author

Wonder Fools are a theatre company and charity based in Glasgow that creates contemporary new work based on a diverse range of current and historical real-life stories.

They have taken theatre productions, performance installations and workshops to over 10,000 people across Scotland, with over 15,000 more engaging with their digital work online.

Productions include: McNeill of Tranent: Fastest Man in the World (2014-2015), The Coolidge Effect (2016-2020), and 549: Scots of the Spanish Civil War (2018–2020).

Author's Website: http://www.wonderfools.org/

Follow Tim Crouch, Sara Shaarawi, Bryony Kimmings, Lewis Hetherington, Robert Softley Gale & Leyla Josephine on Social Media

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