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Books By James Carter, Brian Moses - Author

Brian Moses wanted to be a rock and roll star, but when that didn't pan out, he became the next best thing: a teacher.  Brian writes and edits picture books and poetry for children.  With more than 160 books published, he performs in schools across England.  He lives with his wife, Anne, and has two daughters, Karen and Linette. Visit his website here and Twitter 

An award-winning children's poet, James Carter travels all over the cosmos (well, Britain) with his guitar (that's Keith) to give lively poetry performances and workshops. James once had hair, extremely long hair (honestly), and he played in a really nasty ultra-loud heavy rock band. And, as a lifelong space cadet, James has discovered that poems are the best place to gather all his daydreamy thoughts. What's more, he believes that daydreaming for ten minutes every day should be compulsory in all schools. Vist his website here and Twitter

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