In a new report published this week by GL Assessment, part of Renaissance Learning, a light is further shone on the challenges of teaching reading in schools.

Their nationwide survey of 600 primary and secondary school teachers found that teachers estimate a third (33%) of students are weak readers and need additional support to keep up with the content taught

Four in five teachers said that the parents of the children they teach find it difficult to encourage their children to read at home. When asked why they think it is so difficult, two-thirds of teachers blamed digital distractions, and a similar proportion said it’s because parents don’t read themselves. 

Half (53%) of them said the parents are too busy, and two-fifths said that parents want to avoid an argument, or that they did not see the benefits of reading (42%).

They also said on average, a quarter of students are taken out of class for 30 minutes or more each week to receive additional reading support, and that 2.5 hours of curriculum time weekly – which equates to approximately 16 days of the academic year – is lost.

The study which was the basis for the Turning the Page report, found there was little difference in attitude between primary and secondary or between English and non-English subject teachers.

Almost 87% said they feel personally responsible for helping weak readers improve, although a similar proportion (84%) also admitted that they have felt at a loss at times to know how to do so.

 Jonathan Douglas, Chief Executive at the National Literacy Trust, said: “Teachers play a vital role in children and young people’s lives and their impact can last a lifetime. 

"When children and young people enjoy reading, it can unlock endless possibilities for their future, laying the foundations for greater academic success, mental wellbeing and employment opportunities later in life. 

He said the current state of children and young people's reading paints a "troubling picture" and the challenge is being felt most in the classroom. 

"Helping teachers access the resources they need to be able to confidently teach reading and make reading a part of everyday school life will equip more children and young people with the reading and literacy skills they need for life,” he added.

As well as an analysis of these findings, the report invites school leaders and experts in primary and secondary education to outline what they think are the biggest issues when it comes to implementing an effective reading strategy and what school leaders can do to address them. 

If you are look for inspiration on embedding a reading for pleasure culture in your school, do check out our Special Features which have lots of articles about everything from setting up a school library, to book clubs in schools, the role of junior librarians and the power of inspirational reading corners.

Furthermore for more hints and tips on how to encourage reading for pleasure dive into the feature which first appeared in Schools Week by LoveReading MD Deborah Maclaren.


