Bedtime is a special time and we all have our favourite books that we love to read over and over, but here are a few you might have missed. Books that we we adore any time of day, but especially snuggling up at bedtime.

It's never too early to start reading to your child – even young babies enjoy being read to. Reading out loud prepares your baby’s brain for language. It teaches them about words, sentence formation, and introduces them to concepts like stories, colours, letters and numbers. We have a selection of wonderful recommendations for babies and toddlers on LoveReading4Kids. Even when children are old enough to read independently, it’s still essential for them to be read to, to find books fun and entertaining, to read a page each and enjoy sharing a story together.

Making story time part of your daily routine is a great way to make sure that books and reading are regular, familiar and fun experiences for your child. Suggest they choose a book to read with you in bed at the end of each day. Encourage them to tell you why they have selected that book, and what they like and dislike about it. Smaller children enjoy the repetition and familiarity of reading the same book over and over again; remember, this is perfectly normal, and builds confidence so bear with them! We promise, they will move on to something else eventually…

And when they do, here are some further reading suggestions to make their bedtime routine the best it can possibly be - with a great book.