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Books By Ross MacKenzie - Author

Ross MacKenzie is the author of fantasy adventure, Zac and the Dream Pirates, winner of a Scottish Children's Book Award in 2012. He lives in Renfrew, where he grew up, with his wife and baby daughter, but spends much of his time in another world.

A Q&A with Ross about his novel The Nowhere Emporium

Where did your inspiration for The Nowhere Emporium come from?

It’s a bit mysterious, actually! The Emporium sort of popped into my head fully formed. I could see this strange old shop so clearly in my head, the sparkling black brick and the faded sign. I knew the shop never stayed in one place for very long, and of course I had to find out why, so I wrote the story.

What is your favourite room in the Nowhere Emporium? 

Actually, my favourite place in the entire Emporium is the shop-front where Daniel first meets Mr Silver. It’s dim and dusty and mysterious, filled with so many treasures and curiosities. I could spend days looking around! 

What would you write in the Book of Wonders? 

I’d have a library with every story ever written waiting on the shelves for me. But it would be a library with a twist: I’d be able to meet the characters from my favourite books face to face!
Actually, on second thought, this might turn out to be dangerous – the bad guys would probably try to escape and take over the world!

Author's Website: https://zacandthedreampirates.co.uk/

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