The September term is always lively but, with all pupils expected to attend full time school from this month, we know that teachers and school staff across the country are even busier this year. 

After so many months away, the idea of starting term in September might feel a little daunting for some children. Others will be excitedly looking forward to seeing their friends and enjoying all the great things that school offers.

With this in mind we have gathered together a varied and fitting collection of books, all with a school theme, for a range of ages from those starting reception to those moving to senior school and beyond. Some are gentle and reassuring, others offer a more practical approach of what children might expect when school starts up again. Those worried about the return to school can find a greater selection of books and resources in our Anxiety & Wellbeing feature.

And we've thrown in some entertaining storybooks too, to remind children of all the fun they can have at school!

We appreciate all the extra efforts and work put into teaching during the pandemic and wish everyone a happy new school year.

Young readers will recognize themselves in School, a compassionate portrayal of school life by bestselling author Britta Teckentrup.

With thanks to Gerd Altmann from Pixabay for the lovely rainbow background image.